In the Voyager episode Tuvix, a transporter accident combines Neelix and Tuvok, two of Voyager’s crew, into a single person named Tuvix. Tuvix had memories of both characters and a personality that combined traits from both of them. He lived on the ship for some time before a possible cure was discovered. Unfortunately, the cure…
Tag: Star Trek
Circumcising a Klingon
The TNG episode Ethics gave fans an up close look at brak’lul – a feature of Klingon anatomy where many vital organs have duplicates. For example, Klingons have two stomachs, three lungs, two livers, etc. Ever since then, fans on the Internet have wondered if Klingon males had two male members. In Star Trek Discovery…
Transporter for The Soul
In the Star Trek Universe the transporter can be used to move people and objects across great distances. Although from the name transporter one might assume it moves things through space, it actually doesn’t. A transporter disassembles the person or object at the source, and then reassembles an exact copy at the destination to recreate…
Is the Heart of a Targ Kosher?
Klingons speak frequently about eating the heart of a Targ, and it is eaten in the Klingon Day of Honor ceremony. If a Jew were invited to join with some Klingon friends, could the Jew partake of a Targ heart as well? Many people say seem to believe that since blood is not allowed to…
Is Replicated Food Kosher?
Star Trek’s replicators are perhaps the most intriguing invention in the star trek universe, and also one of the most frequently debated halachic aspects of the show. When seen on screen, the replicators have the ability to seemingly create any object out of thin air. The exact method of operation of the replicators is unfortunately…